Le Théâtre de la Concorde organise une soirée immersive inédite, où la défense de la nature prend la forme d’un…
The EOI process is now open for a design workshop that will imagine energy generating public art for the dynamic, rural Victorian town of Castlemaine. Join the internationally renowned, Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI), Crosby Architects and Carbon Arts for a 3 day intensive studio from 7-9 October, as part of the Regional Centre for Culture program.
This is a unique and free professional development opportunity for up to 12 artists, designers, architects or engineers wanting to use cutting edge renewable energy technologies to creatively shape low-carbon urban landscapes. LAGI’s global competitions and commissions around the world have demonstrated that renewable energy can (and should) be beautiful!
The outcomes of the workshop will be presented to the public in an open studio format over the weekend of 13-14 October at the Goods Shed, Castlemaine, Victoria. EOI closes 24 August. For full details of how to apply, please download EOI document here.
Application Process and Requirement
To apply, please send your CV and provide a 50-100 word statement about why you’d like to participate. It is our hope that participants form multi-disciplinary teams including artists, designers, architects, and so on. Teams can be formed during the workshop, or alternatively, you may choose to apply as a team of between 2 and 4 people. You must be a resident of the State of Victoria to be eligible.
Please apply by email to by 24 August 2018. The final selection of participants will be made public by 31 August.
Any queries please contact Jodi Newcombe, Carbon Arts:
This project is made possible thanks to a grant from the Regional Centre for Culture and through the State Government of Victoria’s sponsorship of the LAGI2018 design competition for St Kilda Triangle and associated events.
Workshop Future Energy Landscapes & Public Art
Application until 24 August
Worskhop : 7 – 9 October 2018
Melbourne, Australia
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Le Théâtre de la Concorde organise une soirée immersive inédite, où la défense de la nature prend la forme d’un…
ARVIVA – Arts vivants, Arts durables est de retour pour une quatrième édition de ses Rencontres annuelles, pour se parler…
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