Art, agriculture et biodiversité
Lors de 2 journées thématiques se rassemblent artistes, étudiant·es, enseignant·es, professionnel·les concerné·es par les liens possibles entre art et agriculture…
The Fab City Summit 2018 is an invitation to take part of the transformation towards a more sustainable and accessible future for the cities that become locally productive and globally connected through collaboration and disruptive technologies.
Fab City is a movement that aims to transform the way we consume and produce almost anything in cities, making them more sustainable and resilient, by enabling local production and global collaboration using traditional knowledge and advanced technologies.
The Fab City Summit will be followed by the Fab Distributed and the Fab Conference and Symposium in Toulouse.
Fab City Summit
11 – 22 juillet 2018
La Vilette, Paris
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Lors de 2 journées thématiques se rassemblent artistes, étudiant·es, enseignant·es, professionnel·les concerné·es par les liens possibles entre art et agriculture…
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